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How to Relax When You're Stressed - Jane Selter

By: Viralhashtagss

Jane Selter

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Jen Selter to share with you some of my favorite tips for reducing stress at the end of the week. In view of the current events of the world, there have been major disruptions in our lives. These distributions can add extra stress to our weeks. If you don't take the time to refresh your body and mind after a long week, chances are your stress will only increase.

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Jen Selter suggests 6 ways to relax when you're stressed

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Whether it's comfort food like pasta or a plate of freshly baked cookies, the act of cooking or baking something you enjoy is an instant mood lifter. I have tons of recipes to share if you ever need them.

1. Cook/Bake your favorite food

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Do you have any shows or books on your must-watch/read list? If so, binge a few episodes or chapters. Mindless activities (like watching reality TV for me) tell my brain that it's time to relax. I keep a list of suggestions I get from my friends on my phone!

2. Make time for that TV show or book

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Whether it's meditating or listening to relaxing music or podcasts, it's important to keep your mind in a positive mindset after processing so much information during the week. I am using the Aloe Moves app for meditation classes.

3. Meditate

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Don't let the stress of work get you down on the weekend! Try to complete all outstanding tasks before the weekend, or at least put them in a good place for Monday. Working all weekend will not give you time to refresh and you will be the best for the next week.

4. Unplugged

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Usually, I would recommend going outside and getting some fresh air. If it's safe, take proper precautions and walk or run briskly to clear your mind and activate your endorphins.

5. Exercise

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There's nothing worse than ending a busy work week for a busy weekend. Obviously, this was more likely before being in quarantine, although it may still apply to those of you who have taken virtual extracurriculars. Don't stretch yourself too thin, let the time be lazy!

6. Don't overdo

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However when I give my skin a little extra time to give it some much-needed TLC, or a good hair mask my mood and motivation lift instantly.

Jane Selter

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